Existing a Business?

Includes Business considerations, Owner and employee considerations, Risk and compliance

We can help to prepare your business for sale as well as ensuring that as the business owner your wealth is protected. Whether it’s planning for your retirement, passing ownership of the business to the next generation or divestment of a non-core business, the importance of being prepared should not be underestimated.

Business considerations

It is important, long before the ‘sale’ decision is made, that the business is prepared and ready to be presented in its best light. Optimum working capital management, regular and appropriate management information, a strong management team and succession plan, a clear growth plan and a focus on driving value all need to be considered well in advance of selling your business. We can support you with all aspects of preparing the business for sale, and the earlier we can help the better.

Owner and employee considerations

A successful business sale is almost always dependent on the strength of the team running the business. Appropriate incentivisation schemes can help a management team drive value and stay focused on a long term goal for them and the shareholders. It is important to ensure the capital structure of the business is optimised to allow shareholders to benefit from Entrepreneur’s Relief and other attractive tax reliefs available on the sale of your business.

We specialise in advising owner managers on succession and the sale of their business. No two deals are the same and we have vast experience in securing the best deals for our clients.

Risk and compliance

Preparation is key. It is important the companies housekeeping, key contracts and legal documentation are up to date and in order. The better prepared the business the quicker the deal process, and the more likely it is value will be retained.

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