Online Calculators
Includes calculators for mortgages, loans, APR, payslips, VAT, stamp duty, company car and fuel benefits
Simple calculators at your fingertips.
Capital Gains Tax property calculator
Calculate your Capital Gains Tax on the sale of property
Capital Gains Tax shares calculator
Calculate your Capital Gains Tax on the sale of shares
Non-resident Capital Gains Tax
Calculate your non-resident Capital Gains Tax
Estimate your Income Tax for a previous tax year
Use this service to estimate how much Income Tax you should have paid for a previous tax year
Estimate your Income Tax for the current year
Use this service to estimate how much Income Tax and National Insurance you should pay for the current tax year
Calculate your employee’s statutory redundancy pay
Calculate an employee’s statutory redundancy pay. Redundancy payments are based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job. Employees only qualify if they’ve worked at least 2 full years for you.
Calculate your leave and pay when you have a child
Find out if you can get maternity, paternity or shared parental leave – for employees
Class 1A National Insurance contributions reference checker
Check your Class 1A National Insurance contributions reference
Calculate the company car tax charge based on a car’s taxable value and CO2 rating
Calculate your Married Couple’s Allowance
You can use this calculator to work out if you qualify for Married Couple’s Allowance, and how much you might get. You need to be married or in a civil partnership to claim.
Calculate your statutory redundancy pay
Calculate how much statutory redundancy you can get. It’s based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job. You only qualify for statutory redundancy pay if you’ve worked for your employer for at least 2 years.
Check your payroll calculations
PAYE/National Insurance contributions current year reference checker
Check your PAYE/National Insurance contributions reference for the current year
National Minimum Wage and Living Wage calculator for employers
Check if: you’re paying a worker the National Minimum Wage; you’re paying a worker the National Living Wage; you owe your employee payments from previous years. Your employee must be at least 25 years old to get the national living wage.
PAYE/National Insurance contributions previous year reference checker
Check your PAYE/National Insurance contributions reference for the previous year
Check a VAT number from any EU country to help you complete an EC Sales List
VAT payment deadline calculator
Work out the VAT payment deadline for your accounting period. You can’t use this calculator if you make payments on account or use the annual accounting scheme.
A tool to help you budget for your first Self Assessment tax bill if you’re self-employed
Use the Marginal Relief calculator to calculate how much Marginal Relief you can claim on your Corporation Tax.
Tell HMRC you have no Corporation Tax due
Inheritance Tax interest calculator
Calculate how much interest is due on a payment of Inheritance Tax.
Inheritance Tax reduced rate calculator
See if you qualify to pay a reduced rate of Inheritance Tax
Inheritance Tax residence nil rate band (RNRB) calculator
Calculate the RNRB if a home is left to direct descendants
Inheritance Tax: grossing up calculators
Work out an estate value when legacies in a will are free of tax and other assets are tax exempt
Inheritance Tax: guaranteed annuity calculator
Work out an estimated market value of guaranteed annuity payments when valuing assets of the deceased’s estate
Inheritance Tax: quarters calculator for trusts
Work out the number of quarters (3-month periods) when Inheritance Tax is charged on a trust for certain chargeable events
Intestacy – who inherits if someone dies without a will?
Find out who is entitled to a share of someone’s money, property and possessions if they die without making a will.
Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) checker
Use this service to request GMP calculations
Check your pension annual allowance
Calculate your employee’s statutory sick pay
Calculate Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for your employee.
Maternity, Adoption and paternity calculator for employers
Calculate your employee’s: statutory maternity pay (SMP), paternity pay, adoption pay; relevant employment period and average weekly earnings; leave period
Calculate business expenses for vehicles
If you’re a sole trader or partnership there are 2 ways you can calculate business expenses for vehicles, working from home and living on your business premises. You can use simplified expenses or calculate your expenses by working out the actual costs. Use this checker to work out which method is best for you.
Calculate the company car tax charge based on a car’s taxable value and CO2 rating.
Check employment status for tax
Check the employment status of a worker for a specific engagement
Class 1A National Insurance contributions reference checker
Check your Class 1A National Insurance contributions reference
Director’s National Insurance contributions calculator
Check a company director’s National Insurance contributions
National Insurance contributions calculator
Calculate your employee’s National Insurance contributions
Apply for a refund on your National Insurance contributions
Estimate your penalty for late Self Assessment tax returns and payments
Get an estimate of how much you’ll need to pay in penalties and interest if you’ve missed the deadline for: sending your Self Assessment tax return; paying your Self Assessment tax bill.
Work out adjustments under section 107 Finance Act 2000 when filing your Self Assessment tax return
Stamp Duty Land Tax DLT calculator
Work out how much SDLT you need to pay when buying or transferring land or property